After unknowingly (again!), and unintentionally overloading myself to the point of not functioning properly, I am officially declaring this first day after Easter my RESET day. I went on an unplanned vacation from blogging over holy week because my hosting provider has some Heartbleed issues, and the server was shut down for a bit. I also chose not to work from Good Friday onward, and instead hung out with the boys, crocheted a bit, did some fun Easter crafts and, basically, enjoyed myself. Sure, I now have a bit of catching up to do, but I also am more focused, organized and motivated to work. And that, my friends, is why taking a break and hitting the reset button is a must, every once in a while.

My friend, Martine, recently published a similar post, sharing about how she is learning to make time for nothing, over at Make It Blissful. It’s a really great read, and something that I actually learned a lot from. One of the changes that I am making after this reset, as I’ve learned from Martine’s post, is to incorporate blank spaces in my schedule. No more overloading my days. I am definitely gonna start making time for nothing. I need those blank hours so that I can do the things that I like. Generally, I work better when I’m happy, and so I need to figure out how to stay happy. Makes sense, right?

Over my two years of WAHM-ing, I’ve started to realize my daily work limit, and I think that it’s time for me to apply this. I also need to remember to make time for chores and errands, not exactly my favorite things in the world to do, but important stuff nonetheless. And, most importantly, I need to solidify my daily time with the boys. With MrC, this is usually TV time in the evening, after the kiddo goes to bed. The kiddo and I, on the other hand, have the luxury of doing whatever we can and want to do together during the day, the absolute perks of being a WAHM!

So today, Reset Day 1, has been well-spent so far. I got a good night’s sleep, got to see MrC off to work this morning, prepared a nice big breakfast for myself and the little boy, and I’ve already submitted one of my two articles due today. This blog post is another thing I can cross off my list already, and it isn’t even noon yet. Oh, and I also allowed myself to watch The World’s Cutest Cats on TV with the little boy earlier. Yup, this is definitely a great day already.

I hope that you’re all having a great day, too. I wish I could help make today amazeballs for all of you, but right now I only have to power to do this for one – the winner of my Mind Museum giveaway. Congratulations Astra C. Alegre! Please send your full name, contact number and complete mailing address to mrspcuyugan at gmail dot com.
What, for you, makes a great day? A little gratitude goes a long way, and I’d also like to know what you’re thankful for today. 😀