I chose to get my hair cut at Piandre because they open early. True story.
Monday night, I asked my mom which among the many salons in Alabang open the earliest. She told me that Piandre accepts appointments as early as 7AM. Ayun na, we had a winner. Because it was exam week at school, I only had a small window of time in the morning to get my hair done. That’s why I needed to book before 10am, which is the time that most salons (particularly the mall-based ones) in the area open.
That same night, I visited Piandre’s website, and was pleasantly surprised to see that I could book my appointment online. I requested for an 8:30AM hair cut at the South Supermarket Alabang branch. Within an hour, I received a text message confirming my appointment, and informing me who my stylist would be. I lovette!

Tuesday morning went as Tuesday mornings usually go, with brekfast and baon preps and sending the boys off for the day. I had a few minutes to have coffee and breakfast at home while reading our book club‘s August BOM (so delayed!). Super sarap to have mornings like that. So relaxing.
It took all of 10 minutes for me to get to Piandre and park. The nice thing about booking an early appointment is there aren’t that many people at South yet, and there’s so much parking available. Then, after you’re done getting pampered, you can make a quick grocery run, which is what I did because we were all out of coffee.
As if I wasn’t already in a great mood, I walked into Piandre and there were Christmas songs playing, and a nice lighted tree in the middle of the room. I confirmed my appointment at the counter, got the WiFi password (yay for free WiFi) and settled into my seat. Then, they brought me coffee and cookies! Happy MrsC talaga.
The rest, as you can see from my Instagram feed, is hair cut history. It’s day 4 of my short haired-ness, and I am happy that my cute, round bob really is wash and wear as stylist Erwin promised. For the price of PHP 640 (plus tips), I’d say my session at Piandre was worth it. I’d definitely choose Piandre again because:
- It’s quiet. I really don’t like parlors with chatty staff. It doesn’t matter if they’re chatting with me or among themselves, I jut don’t like having to hear the latest chismis while I’m trying to relax.
- Their ambient music is really pleasant. Sure, they were playing Christmas carols, but they were the nice ones. None of the disco dance-y, commercial jingle-like holiday tunes you hear at some parlors (or radio stations, for that matter).
- They give you coffee while you wait. Or iced tea, if that’s what you prefer. I cannot stress enough how happy this makes me.
- The stylist asks first before doing anything. In my case, Erwin asked if it would be okay to use a clipper on the really short parts of my hair. I appreciate him clearing this with me first because it gave me the chance to say that he could only clip up to this part, blah blah blah. Other stylists would have just gone ahead and shaved off the excessive baby hair on the back of my neck (yes, it has happened before!), which super sucks.
- The aircon is cold enough without being too cold. Yes, this matters when you have to sit in the same spot for an hour or so.
- The staff are all smiles. Yes, I notice when people look happy doing what they do.
- The price is reasonable and they do good work. Believe me, my hair is so easy to maintain. Otherwise, you’d see me complain already on Facebook or Twitter.
- Booking is quick and easy, which is important for people like me who are forgetful and lazy, and often don’t get to book until the very last minute.
So there you go. Have you guys ever tried the services at Piandre? I’d love to know what else they do well, so I can plan (and start saving for) my next visit.