I don’t know about you guys, but I love Halloween. It’s become even more fun now that the boys and I can coordinate costumes. We haven’t been able to do this every year, though we often tried. And honestly, we haven’t put a whole lot of effort into building our costumes, really, until this year.
Little MrC decided he wanted to be Steven Universe. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the character, he is from a Cartoon Network show. MrC and I are both so exposed to this cartoon coz the kid watches it all.the.time, so we were super game to have it as our costume theme.

Obviously, the little boy in the photo is Steven, and the three beings (coz they aren’t exactly women) around him are the Crystal Gems. I decided right away that I wanted to be Amethyst, the purple gem. I thought that MrC would choose to be one of the other two, but I guess that wasn’t a challenging enough costume for him. Instead, he decided he would be Lion.

And so the costume shopping and DIY-ing began about two weeks before Halloween. I was honestly pretty proud of what we ended up with on Trick or Treat day! Don’t you think we look cute?

We had a great time trick or treating, and I got a new top and sneakers, too. Bonus! All in all, it was a good Halloween for us.
What did you guys dress up as last Halloween?