Hello! After taking a long break from my computer screen, I’m back and ready to face the world again. Perfect timing, too, because December is here!
I dunno about you guys, but our family is super excited for the holidays. Our tree is up, the air is a little bit chillier (at least in the early morning), my mom just bought her first quezo de bola of the season, and my mom-in-law is all packed and ready to fly home for her first Manila Christmas since 2007. We definitely have a lot to look forward to, and a lot to be thankful for this year.
I have a bunch of things that I want to accomplish for myself this month, too, the first of which is to actually list my goals.
Goal-setting isn’t something I’m accustomed to doing, and the last time I actually did this was at the start of 2016. But because I am forever dreaming of becoming more organized and learning to live more mindfully and intentionally, I figured that this might be the most logical first step. And, I’ve chosen to share my goals here on the blog as a way of cornering myself into really working towards achieving them. Makes sense, right?
So here we go, here’s my little list of December goals.

Finish reading at least one book. I don’t know why, but I only finished reading six out of the many books I started this year. Right now, I’m somewhere in the middle of Bram Stoker’s Dracula, which, surprisingly, I have never read before. I hope that I actually see this novel through til the end. If not, I really hope I can find one that I’ll read from cover to cover before 2016 is over.
Cut back on eating out. This is something that our household started doing in November, and I have to say that it’s been such a good change for us. We live just a few streets a way from a lot of yummy places to eat (I wrote about our foodie neighborhood a while back) and we really got carried away when we first moved. Now, after just a month of choosing to eat at home more often, we have been able to cut back on our expenses, and we generally feel healthier and happier. So yes, this goal is something that I am definitely carrying over into the new month.
Eat more veggies. In line with the eating-in goal, I’ve also started overhauling our meals to include more vegetables, upon the husbandry’s request. I’m lucky that I don’t have any picky eaters to feed, and so far my veggie dishes have been well-received. This is a real challenge for me, truth be told, because I grew up in a meat-loving home. Recipe suggestions would be greatly appreciated, guys!
Write a new blog post at least once a week. Ah, blogging, the one thing that I want to do regularly but never get around to actually doing. I feel like a post a week is more than manageable, though, so yes, this is officially one of my goals now. Again. Lol.
Figure out my blog newsletter. I have one, and it sucks. But that’s because I never really gave it much thought. Right now it’s really just a monthly roundup of posts from the blog. Or is it weekly? See, I don’t even remember. I know, though, that I can do so much more with that newsletter. I just need to figure out what I actually want it to do.
Share at least two recipes. I keep promising people recipe posts, and I never get around to writing them. I have been listing all my utangs, though, and as soon as I can take better food photos, I will really start sharing those recipes. Promise!
Attempt to make gluten-free bread. I have been wanting to do this for a while now, but because it’s so convenient to just order from Amores Gluten Free, I’ve been putting it off. I do think it’s time for me to start. I think I’m ready now.
Answer all of my pending emails, and clear out my inbox. Because there are just so many of them already.
Finish washing all of our laundry. Confession: You won’t see the mountain of laundry that I need to deal with inside my house because it is hidden away in my car. Thing is, I need to get the car cleared out before it’s time to get my my MIL from the airport, otherwise there won’t be any space for her bags. Should I start panicking now?
Create one of those “Two Seconds Everyday” videos. I’ve seen a bunch of my friends do this on Facebook, and they got the idea from the movie Chef. It’s a great way to capture memories! You basically take two seconds of video footage each day and edit them together into a monthly roundup video kind of thing. Does this make sense? Haha! If you don’t get what I mean, wait for my video at the end of the month. Time to whip out my hidden-away Comm Arts skills!
There you go, 10 goals for December. I’m pretty excited to start working on them. Maybe even as excited as I am for Christmas.
So tell me… Do you guys do any goal-setting? Is this something you do monthly, too, or maybe yearly? Weekly? Any tips for greater success? 🙂