Yes, people of the world, you read that one right. I made a bet with my grandmother. It happened over lunch at her house on my birthday. We were joking about my weight, like we always do, with her telling me that I’m pretty but unfortunately I’m chunky, and me saying that, well, it would be difficult if I were perfect, in response. This is a dialogue that she and I have each time we see each other, without fail. I think she’s been on my case about my chubby bunny-ness for over a decade now.

Now, just so you know, my grandmother had movie star looks when she was younger. Even now, when you see her, you’d say she’s really pretty for an old lady. She’s one of those people who really takes care to look her best, and I suppose that’s why she bugs me about the way I look. I think maybe she feels that I’ve let go after having a kid and getting married.
The bet.
I honestly can’t remember how our kidding led to this bet. All I remember was her saying that she doesn’t think I can lose the weight any more, and me asking if she’d like to bet on it. Much to my surprise, she said yes. I asked what she’d give me if I won and she said anything I want. Of course, I said a house. An she laughed and said she’s confident enough to say okay coz she’s pretty sure I can no longer go back to being my thinner self. Note that I said “my thinner self” and not “thin”, because I never was thin. I was born chunky, and that’s why I don’t really have extreme insecurities as far as my weight goes.
Amid a lot of laughter, we decided that this bet was on. I know I won’t really be asking her for a house if I make it. But that little competitive side of me won’t stop bugging me to go for it just to show her that I can do it. I suppose I’d like to show myself that I can too, even just a little bit.
Diet? What diet?
Funny how, as I was telling MrC this story, he told me that I never really took any of these diet or exercise commitments I’ve made seriously. I never saw it as that. But of course, now that I’m looking back, I do see the halfheartedness that led to countless weight loss and wellness goals that remain unfulfilled. I’m talking about this and this and this and this and this and this. And those are just the ones that I blogged about, so you get what I mean when I say countless, right? Ugh. I think I might have too much self-love for my own good sometimes. How am I ever going to win this bet?
The good news is I actually have an instant jump start now that Lent is here. Yes, my Lenten sacrifices often involve food,simply because food is something I love. So each year, I try to go the whole 40 days without a certain something. A couple of years ago I gave up coffee. Most of the time I give up meat with feet. This year’s Lenten commitment for me is no white rice, no white bread, and no meat with feet. And I have to do it for a month and a week, so that should be enough time for me to get used to the switch.
For good.
I am actually planning to permanently shift to wheat bread and brown rice. This is something that’s easy enough for me to manage without affecting the meal planning for the rest of our household, whose members only eat the white stuff. As for giving up meat with feet completely, I don’t think I can or want to do that just yet. But let’s see. I read somewhere that the reason why Jared Leto‘s hair is so fab is because he’s vegan, and believe me, I want fab hair like his too. But right now, life without ever having a steak again doesn’t sound to me like a very happy life. But still, let’s see. Oh and yes, I really had to mention Jared Leto, who was my Mr Dream Boy during his My So Called Life days, was resurrected as my Mr Dream Boy when I first discovered 30 Seconds to Mars, and is now officially my Mr Dream Boy forever after this year’s awards show season. *Insert dreamy sigh here*
Guys, seriously, I want to win this bet. Cheer me on, send me some tips, or whatever, in the comments. I can do this. Yes, I can.