Well, well, well, look who finally logged on to WordPress.
What’s up you guys? It’s exam week again for Little MrC and I (yes, I feel it, too) so I am without my usual long and leisurely working hour over the next few days. I also barely have time to get breakfast down in the mornings, let alone work. Blame it on these 3-hour school days.
So anyway, I figured it’d be a good time to blog.
I’ve been moody and slightly emotional as of late, largely due to hormones but also because the year is coming to a close. Ang bilis. One more year done.
As with the years that cam before it, 2014 has been filled with change, both good and bad, big and small. In these first three days of December alone, things have been significantly different.

December 1 was the first post-garage sale day, and I am still somewhat feeling the loss of all the stuff I had held on to for so many years. I finally let go, eyes closed, without looking back, and I think I’m still in shock. It’s nice that I’ve been able to clear space for a proper work area, though. Writing here has been good so far. So that’s a double yay.
On the subject of shock, I still feel disoriented at my new short hair. I keep reaching back as if to gather my hair into a ponytail. Of course, there is no more hair left to tie, and I end up just grabbing air.

This time yesterday I had very long, mermaid-like hair, which I finally decided to go ahead and just cut. I had been saving it to donate for cancer in memory of a friend I recently lost (another change, a sad one). Now it’s in a ziploc bag waiting to be shipped out to Cuts for Cancer / Donate Your Hair Today.
This morning there was no milk in the fridge, and so I have been drinking my coffee black. So that’s gonna be today’s small but significant change. This is supposed to have zero calories right? Meaning if I keep doing this from now on I can have all the coffee I want and it won’t make me fat(ter). Sounds like a good idea already.
I’m not a fan of change. It makes me anxious and emotional. But it’s a constant part of life that I know I need to learn to deal with. So far, so good since Monday. I may even be looking forward to seeing more changes over the next days and months. Let’s see, let’s see.
So what’s been up with you guys lately? Any new changes in your lives?