Preparing baon or packed lunches for your family can be extremely fulfilling, but at some point, it also gets a bit frustrating. It’s not always easy to come up with inventive ideas and ways to make the same food items more presentable, especially when you see the wonders that others have made with their bento boxes.
Sometimes the inspiration for these designs are hard to come by, and when you do get a brilliant idea, it’s not as easy to execute as you would hope. If you’re strapped for ideas for your next bento lunch, you could try to emulate one of the most classic games in the world to date: bingo. Bingo was popular in the 1950s, where there were thousands of bingo halls across the globe. Today, the BBC reports that many of these bingo halls have migrated online, with Free Bingo Hunter being able to catalogue hundreds of different online bingo portals that have been launched in the UK alone. The popularity of bingo has made it so its symbols have become recognizable icons no matter where in the world you may be.

It’s not hard to make a bingo bento box either. Just remember that there are three key elements to a bingo game: the bingo balls, the cards, and the markers. Try to find items that match the shapes and characteristics of these items and you’ll have a great bingo bento box. Here are some ideas:
The Card
For the card, you can build on a lump of cooked rice molded into a square. Arrange strips of nori, carrots, or cucumbers to create the grid of the card. You can use different vegetables to make the lunch box more appealing!
The Balls
As for the balls, you can go the easy way with meatballs, or build on the idea of a Tic-Tac-Toe bento box and create little cups of mixed vegetables, pasta, mashed potatoes and even sliced fruit and veggies!
The Markers
Bingo chips are probably the simplest. You can make them from sliced pieces of fruit like grapes or berries! Or you could use little Iced Gem biscuits, which are the perfect size for markers!