To love that has stood the test of time. Congratulations, MrC, we survived year two!

Raising a family, making a home.
Years ago when MrC and I discovered that we were pregnant, a few of our wise, old(er) friends told us that we should always remember to set aside time for ourselves as a couple. Back then the advice didn’t make much sense. I mean, of course we would continue to spend time together. Besides, having a kid with us would make things a lot more fun. And what could possibly get in the way of our couple time, especially since we would be living together already. That would mean more time for us right?
More high school reunion photos here.
Welcome to reality, young and naive self! I have admittedly swallowed all of those words and thoughts I had back then. And believe me when I tell you that it was really tough coming to terms with the reality that living together, being married and having a family does not automatically equate to more quality time together as a couple. Man, this marriage thing really takes work! The difference between today and, say, a year or two ago is that I now choose to accept things and swallow my naive ideas with a nice cold root beer float (or cold beer maybe, on some days hehe). I’ve decided to charge everything to experience, and let go of the negative, hurtful, disappointing “learning hurdles” that led up to this level of relationship maturity that we now have. It’s not easy, but it’s for the best. It’s time for us to move forward.
One very important element of our relationship therapy is our return to dating. Each other, ha, not other people! Hahaha! We set aside time to go and eat out in between errands while the kiddo is at school or out doing something with his grandparents. We watch movies at home late at night and even make popcorn and iced tea to snack on. We read over coffee when we have time to spare. Sometimes, we even choose to read the same books at the same time and then we talk about the chapters and characters that we like and dislike as we progress. We listen to music together. We dance in the kitchen early in the morning when no one else is awake. Note that this is not romantic, it’s comedic. Like Romy and Michelle’s High School Reunion. We find time and we make an effort a million times more now than we did 1-, 2-, even 5- years ago. And in the process, we’ve learned to enjoy being together again, just the two of us, when we can get that chance.
Read about our Bellevue buffet night here.
Now I understand how much that little bit of wisdom meant. It took years and unimaginable experiences for us to realize its essence, and now that we have, things are better. Life is better. We even fight with a purpose now, and that is to understand each other. Believe me when I tell you that we used to fight just to fight. If you’re married, you probably know what I mean.
So mommies, go and date your husbands. And daddies, go date your wives. I’m sure lolo and lola wouldn’t mind having the kid/s over for a night or even just an afternoon. I promise you, you will be so glad that you took the time and made the extra effort.
Because I’m still sick and stuck in bed, I’ve attempted to take control of the TV remote.
Mommy: Look, Babe, it’s The Little Mermaid! This is nice! Have you seen this?
Kiddo: …
M: Let’s watch this okay?
K: I saw this already. I don’t really wanna watch this.
M: Why not?
K: Secret.
M: I want to know why.
K: Coz it’s for girls.
M: No it’s not! It’s nice!
We watch for a bit and get to the part where flounder and Ariel are looking around in the sunken ship and Flounder gets spooked when he sees a skeleton. The kiddo and I laugh. After a few seconds…
K: Okay let’s watch this til daddy comes out of the bathroom.
M: You like it, no?
K: No! (Trying to hide his smile, of course)
What are you guys doing today? 🙂
xo Patricia C.
via WordPress for Blackberry
Just saying a quick hello to everyone just to let you know I’m still alive and kicking. I’ve just come out of an amazingly hectic week, and so it’s been quiet here on the blog. I’ve honestly been looking forward to today since last Monday morning since I promised myself that Sundays are for family, and should only be filled with fun things.
We’ve got lunch, a movie date, and lazy time at Fully Booked planned for today. I want to have churros in the afternoon, hear mass, then have dinner at home. I’m excited about the plan since it’s filled mostly with what I want to do lol. The boys are especially excited about the movie date. Guess what we’re watching? Here’s a clue.
Hope you guys have a great Sunday Fun Day!
I kind of freaked out here on the blog last week about the first day of school, which happened to be today. I am proud to say that I made it through with flying colors! Let me break it down for you.
I successfully:
I know that this is a normal day for a lot of moms out there, but it’s my first time, so allow me to do a happy dance for a minute.
I am now sitting in bed with my kiddo, watching cartoons. I’m so tired and I feel like a sleep-deprived zombie, but I’m looking forward to doing it all again tomorrow, minus the meeting but with a full load of writing to do. Yes, even the waking up at 5am part. It’s not hard to find motivation to keep on keeping on. Just look at this smiling face. There’s no way you can tell me that this isn’t more than enough.
Wish me luck?
Ours is a small family, and young too, with many fond memories behind us, and a lot more just waiting to take place. Things go by so swiftly these days, and every once in a while I stop and realize how much time has passed, how much my son has grown, and how busy my husband and I have become. I have to remind myself sometimes to stop and savor the moment, to live in the now and to detach from responsibility and stress and just spend quality time with my boys.
I decided today that, from now on, that’s what Sundays will be for. From here on out, Sunday will be Fun Day, a chance for us to bond, to spend time together as a family and enjoy each others’ company. Whether it’s going out to see a movie, having a meal at our favorite restaurant, attending a party, or going on a road trip, we will choose to do something meaningful and worthwhile every Sunday, and we will do it together. It will be a great way to prepare for all the crazy Mondays that lie ahead.
Looking back at the past few weekends, I’m happy to share that we’ve actually had a series of meaningful family Sundays, and so my Sunday Fun Day tradition is actually off to a great start. Fortunately, I’ve captured several great moments from the past weeks, and I’m glad I get to share these family Sunday memories with all of you.
I am really looking forward to spending family fun Sundays with the boys. Can’t wait to share all our adventures with you guys.
Happy to be linking this post up with Alison and Galit for this month’s Memories Captured.