Much love and happiness,
P.S. Find me on Facebook and Twitter!
Raising a family, making a home.
A few weeks ago, our family got together to celebrate the second birthday of our youngest member, Manika. She is the daughter of one of my cousins, and is, so far, one of only two girls from her generation.Yep, we seem to have made a lot of boys over the past few years.
This party was held at McDonald’s in Venice Piazza. While I was really happy about the fact that this branch and its mascots were much, much cleaner than McDonald’s Alabang, it didn’t seem like a good place for a kiddie party because of its layout and furnishings. It got pretty crowded and it was tough moving around because of the bulky seats and the odd shape of the whole restaurant. Just sharing my observations. [Read more…] about Manika’s 2nd: Another McDonald’s Party
I’ve been discovering a lot of great local designers lately. It’s either this new generation of entrepreneurs is really super talented, or I’m a late bloomer as far as style and trends are concerned, and it’s only now that I’m starting to take notice. It all began with one Erzullie dress. If you’ll notice, I’ve mentioned them in my first and second Fashion Friday posts so far. That’s how much I love the outfit I bought from them at the Global Pinoy Bazaar last month.
Anyway, going back…
Finding a new, local, fabulous plus size designer is absolutely wonderful. Finding a new, local, fabulous bag designer is even sweeter. I just love bags! Here’s an added perk – she lives in my house. Yup, my baby sister has finally started on the road to realizing her lifelong dream of becoming a bag designer. Her first customer? Ever supportive ate (big sister), of course! And perfect timing too, the Longchamp bag I got myself last Christmas is all ratty and tattered already. Yes, I tend to abuse my bags.
So right when I decided it was time to get a new bag, a pretty one waltzed its way into our house! It’s the perfect size too! My laptop sleeve fits snugly in it with room for all of my other stuff.
If you will notice, my hyperlinks are not working and my blog is not functioning 100%. That’s because I’m choosing to be stubborn about accomplishing my migration from Blogger to WordPress all on my own. Well, not entirely on my own since I keep asking for help from my techie mom friends. I have to make special mention of The Techie Mom who has been really helpful in answering all my questions day and night. Like I said on my very first post here, please bear with me if things look out of place and if there are some stuff that aren’t working right. I’m fixing things, slowly but surely! [Read more…] about The Blogger To WordPress Chronicles – The First Three Days
My son really is getting bigger. He’s slowly but surely becoming exposed to life’s realities, both good and bad. Today, we had a conversation about one of them. Unfortunately, it was about one of the bad things. It went something like this:
Scenario: Tristan was singing in the shower. I have had to endure over a week of this kid singing One Direction’s What Makes You Beautiful NONSTOP!
Me: Shhhhh. Can’t you sing another song?
T: But I like One Direction.
Me: Ya, but you keep singing the same song over and over again.
T: You know what Mommy? *Classmate* doesn’t like One Direction either.
Me: Why not babe?
T: He said it’s gay.
Me: (Looooong moment of silence) Do you know what gay means baby?
T: Nope.
Me: It’s not a very good word if you use it in a bad way. It’s like calling someone stupid. Please don’t use that word if you don’t understand it OK?
T: OK Mommy.
I am so not prepared for this. I honestly don’t know how to explain this to my son without going overboard. At best, all I can think to do now is to just make him not use that word in that context. Why I can’t help but wonder is how did his classmate even learn to use that word to describe that group. These kids are six years old. I’m pretty sure opinions like that do not come directly from them. It makes me sad knowing that my little boy is starting to hear discriminating comments like that, and from another kid who probably doesn’t know what it means.
I don’t intend to bring up the topic again unless he asks. If and when that happens, what should I say? Help?! I have zero experience when it comes to dealing with kids and sensitive conversations.
PS Thought I’d share this video so you can join me in my misery. I guess it’s better than having my kid sing Justin Bieber all day long.
Much love and happiness,
I got invited to a lot of weddings this year. Then again, they weren’t as many as some of my friends’ wedding invites, but that’s just because a lot of my super close friends and my relatives have yet to tie the knot. Anyway, since my Erzullie dress from Jonnah’s wedding was such a hit, I thought I’d do a retrospective Fashion Friday this week of the dresses I wore to the other three weddings I went to this year. It’s also been an uneventful week and I’ve basically been dressing in boring clothes, so there’s nothing new to share. Lol.
Wedding Flashback #1: Joyce & Mark
Pacific Waves Resort, Bulacan
February 18, 2012
Dress with matching clutch: Kate Torralba; Shoes: Payless (Same shoes I wore with the Erzullie dress, and at my own wedding. Sulit!)
I don’t actually have a full-body photo of this dress from the wedding, but I do have a few shots of it in the KT dressing room from the day I bought in in 2008.