Fact: Each time the weather changes, my skin is affected.
There are days when my sensitive skin really annoys me. Now that the weather is confused, for example, I have dry patches, oily patches and rashes all at the same time. It’s bad enough having to deal with the summer heat then the humid, rainy weather we get the rest of the year. When it shifts from hot to humid to rainy all in one day, my skin complains, big time.

One issue I have always had to deal with is dry skin. I do drink a lot, but I don’t moisturize as often as I should. I keep getting skin care reminders from older more seasoned women, so I know that my bad skin habits can and will eventually result in wrinkles. Lots of them.
Then came a friend who asked me if I wanted to try a nifty new gadget. I’m not a tech blogger, obviously, because I’m not techy at all, but when he said it could help with my dry skin problem, I said I’d go for it.
If you know me, you’ll know that I don’t have the makings of a beauty blogger either, but the nice thing about this device is that I don’t need to know much about technology or beauty to use it, and to make it work for me. Curious now?

It’s called MiLi Pure, a super tiny thumb drive looking thing that can tell you if your skin is dry, oily, or a-okay. All you need to do is install the app into your smartphone, clean the device (of course!) and press it onto your skin for a few minutes. It will then tell you the current moisture level of your skin.

A few minutes of playing with the MiLi Pure showed me that my entire face, and my hands are dry, dry, dry. I’m not surprised because we’ve just come out of a scorching hot summer. But I suppose I should take this as a stern reminder to moisturize.

As far as I know this gadget isn’t available for sale in the Philippines yet, but it will be soon. It’s really handy, especially for the skin-obsessed. So, abangan!
The question now is, which is the best, most effective sensitive skin moisturizer out there? Any recommendations?