One of the things I want to do this year is assess myself as a blogger. I want to write more dynamic and relevant posts, and really grow the blog and its readership. So I thought it would be a good idea to look back on my posts from the last year and see which ones people liked and commented on, and which ones I personally loved writing, and now love reading. I am my biggest critic after all. So here they are, the posts/post types/post topics that I would like to see more of on my blog this year, beginning with the first quarter of 2012.
JANUARY: 365 Days, 365 Photos. Welcome to 2012!
I’ve said many times that I’m not very good with photo blogging because I can’t get myself to commit to posting a photo a day. I didn’t think it would be hard to do, but apparently it is for people like me who aren’t really visually creative. I’m more of a wordy person, you see. But I do have an SLR, and yes, I know how to use it. I took photography lessons and Photoshop too. So I want to push myself to take more photos, and nice ones of course. Instagram has been entertaining so far, and that’s been a big help. So has my husband’s Sony TX10 camera which takes such lovely photos. It’s actually what we used to take the photo on this post. But yeah, I really should be making the most out of that DSLR.

FEBRUARY: Link Exchanges and Other Random Thoughts
SuperSocialWAHM Elizabeth was my first WAHM friend online. She introduced me to the concept of a Link Exchange, and through her I found out what exactly a Virtual Assistant is and does. I like this post because it marked the beginning of a beautiful friendship between me and many great Manila WAHMS, as well as several wonderful global mothers online. These moms are such wonderful people, and they really make you feel like you belong in the community and that you are not alone in your day to day struggles and triumphs. I can’t wait to meet my new online mom friends next weekend at the WAHMderful Life Workshop of Dainty Mom Martine, who also has helped me find work! My event last Thursday actually came to be because she referred me to the event organizers (thanks so much Martine!!!) I’m also looking at a possible long-term working relationship, and friendship of course, with Ginger of Manila Workshops. And let’s not forget my Twitter-mates and blog consultants extraordinaire, Truly Rich Mom Tina, The Techie Mom Jennyfer and Optimommy Jayme. They all make my WAHM life a lot more fun and meaningful, and I look forward to sharing more with them and about them on the blog this year.
MARCH: Roadtripping with the FamBam!
I love writing about all our family vacations, and we like to vacation A LOT. So I won’t run out of things to write about. Actually, there are still a number of trips from 2012 that I have yet to write about, delinquent old me. We’ve already gone on our first trip this year, right at the start of January. It was a day trip to my dad’s Fishville, and I actually posted about it a few days ago (please visit the post and show it some love!) So in 2013 I look forward to travelling more with my family, doing more fun stuff, and of course sharing all our adventures with you. I hope you don’t get tired of reading about what we’ve been up to. We already have a number of trips planned for the year, and I can’t wait to go on all of them!

So that about sums up the my favorite posts from the first quarter of last year. I really hope that my blog will contain more posts like those in the next few months. What do you guys think? Are these good reads? Which of my posts from last year did you enjoy reading? I’d love to hear from you!
Much love and happiness,