Hey, guys! What’s everyone been up to lately?
I’ve had a pretty busy week. There has been a lot of writing going on my life, but, obviously, it hasn’t been for this blog. Well, what’s important is that I’m back today (naks, important) and with a new (sorry it’s late) meal plan, too.
Confession: I only got to accomplish half of my chore list last week, and I wasn’t able to make it to the market when I planned to go. I finally ended up food shopping just this past Tuesday, which is also one of the reasons why I’m posting my meal plan late.
The husbandry says that I’m really bad at assessing my time, and figuring out whether or not I can actually accomplish all that I’ve set out to do in a day. It looks like he may be right, unfortunately. Oh, well. One more thing to work on, in my eternal quest towards self-improvement.
But enough about me, let’s move on to this meal plan. So, I’m super excited about it because I got to buy a lot of fun stuff at the market. I have a nice rack of pork ribs. I also got a nice pork loin that I had the butcher roll up for roasting. There’s tapa marinating in my freezer now, too. I used Michelle’s (Momma N Manila) tapa recipe again, because we really, really love it.
You’ll see in my meal plan that our family gets a double treat this week, which is/was something to look forward to. Was because one of them is over – My mom’s birthday was yesterday. We had dinner at Neil’s Kitchen, and or course I ordered the arroz caldo and tokwa’t baboy. Then, this weekend it Father’s Day, and we usually celebrate that three times – Once with my grandfather, then with my dad, and finally with MrC. Fun!
Plus, the husbandry and I get a movie and lunch date this weekend, since the kiddo will be sleeping over at my parents’ house. Woohoooo! Me Before You, here we come!
So, yeah, I include these “eating out” days when I plot our meals for the week because they give me something extra
to look forward to. I can’t say, though, if it’s the eating out, or the fact that we don’t need to prepare and clean up, that excites me more.

There you go. Just a short and sweet post for today.
One final note. I’ve been seriously thinking about a reboot for this blog, because of course I want it to grow and move forward as I grow and move forward in life. This past year of living in our own home has seen our family change in so many ways. I can say for sure that my ideas, and even my interests are so different now from when I started this blog.
The change of blog name, and other little adjustments that I’ve made over the last few months were only the start. Now I have a better idea of where I want things to go as far as my writing here is concerned. I’m at this analysis-paralysis phase, though, and I really don’t know where to start. I’ll get there. Hopefully soon. Hopefully, you’ll be there when I do.
So, what’s cooking in your kitchen this week?
PS In case you wanna cook along with me, here are some of the recipes I’ll be using this week:
- Baked ribs
- Spicy beef caldereta
- Chicken sopas (I’m using rotisserie chicken bones to flavor my soup. Makes things extra yum!)