Muntinlupa, where I live, is presently under a state of calamity, along with several other areas in Metro Manila and the surrounding provinces. We were hit hard by monsoon rains over the last few days, and much of the city was submerged in flood waters. A lot of places are still flooded, actually, and many families have had to leave their homes and seek shelter in evacuation centers. Here in Muntinlupa, 8 out of the 9 barangays are affected. We live in the one barangay that is flood-free.
When my friend pointed this out to me earlier, I knew we had to do something. At that moment, I had a huge pile of clean laundry staring me in the face, two basket’s worth that I’d not been able to put away for two weeks because I couldn’t find space for them in my closet. So I decided to sort through our things this morning and find stuff that we could donate. My mom, MrC and the little boy joined the emergency spring cleaning session as well, and together we managed to put together 8 bags of stuff that we were not longer using. We found clothes, bed sheets and pillow cases, shoes, slippers, even a bag full of toiletries that we had collected from our staycations over the years.

We are so lucky that we live in an area that doesn’t flood, and a home has been able to withstand many storms. MrC and I took this opportunity to teach our boy about being charitable and sharing our blessings. We explained to him where the stuff would be going, and why it was good for us to take the things that we no longer needed or wanted, and give them to those who do not have enough. We really do have too much stuff (I am such a hoarder), and I feel that this is a great way to let stuff go. But of course, it would be much better if there were no floods, no tragedies, no calamities to rescue people from, and no need for relief drives.
Those who want to help can totally do something! There are still lots of stuff left to re-pack at Red Cross Muntinlupa, and helping hands are most welcome. When we were there earlier, they told us that they also still need donations of rice and drinking water, and of course food, blankets and clothes. Their office is located at Grd. Flr. Units 1 & 2, Kennedy Center Bldg, Prime St., Madrigal Business Park 2, in front of CCF,beside B Hotel. Also check out Michelle’s post over at Momma N Manila, and Mommy Roxi’s post at Mr Jacob’s Mom to see how else you can help.
Praying that you are all safe and dry!