Hey, hey, hey! Happy New Year, everyone!
Yesterday, I told MrC that it would be my last lazy day. As it turns out, yesterday was my last lazy day for 2015, and today was the first for 2016. Lol. Aren’t I just the total opposite of all of those “New year, new me” posts that are all over social media today? I have no regrets, though. I enjoyed the first day of this new year.
One thing that I did do was a quick self-check on my 2015 resolutions. I think I did okay (not perfect, but okay) as far as those are concerned. Yay for that. So, in the spirit of starting the year strong, I thought I’d lay out a few goals for myself for 2016.
I don’t have all of it figured out just yet, but I do know that this year I would at least like to…
Finish unpacking our things
Our photo frames are still wrapped in newspaper, glasses and small appliances are still in boxes, and random little things are all jumbled up together inside plastic bins. 6 months in, and we aren’t anywhere close to being done with setting up the house. Now that we’re nicely settled in I think that finding a place for everything will be easier, which means that we can finally finish unpacking! Little by little, I know we can get this done over the next few months.
Our home is filled with pieces handed down by various family members. It was such a relief to not have to buy much in the beginning, especially since we were unsure of just how much we would be spending on utilities, food, and other day to day things. This year, I hope to add little things that will help make our house more homey, and more reflective of our personalities. I know I want to start by getting curtains that match, and throw pillows for our couch. I also want to put up more family photos!

Attempt to clean regularly
Those who know me well know that I hate cleaning. I hate it. I will tolerate dirt and disorder if it means that I don’t have to clean. I know, it’s so gross, which is why I promise to make more of an effort to clean in 2016. Slowly but surely, one dust bunny at a time.
When we first moved out of our one bedroom in my mom’s house to a home of our own, it felt like we had so much space. It still feels like we have so much space, but now it also feels like we have too much stuff. It isn’t crowded or anything, but I just feel that there are so many things here that aren’t being used. It’s time to sell, discard and donate. Bonus: It’s easier to clean when there are less things to clean. That’s my motivation.
Spend less
Life changes when you have bills to pay. While we have learned to be smarter with the way we spend our money, MrC and I both agree that we can still save a lot on certain things like eating out (which we still do way too often,) and shopping.

Make more
Being able to make things myself makes me happy. There’s just a certain sense of satisfaction that comes with it, that I absolutely love. This year I hope to make more things myself at home – More of the food that we love, including restaurant favorites, baked goodies and sweet treats, crocheted stuff for the home, and the list goes on.
Use my time (and energy) more efficiently
This has always been a problem for me, and each year I try to do better. Here I go again.
Stop being so last-minute with things
I’m such a procrastinator. I know it, and I don’t deny it. To a certain extent, I think I enjoy the pressure that comes with a looming deadline. It has to stop. Any tips on how I can quit being so last-minute?

Blog more consistently, and more meaningfully
For most of 2015, I didn’t know what I wanted to write about, and I didn’t want to write about the things that I actually had to write about. I was tired and brain-drained, and a previous job had sucked the joy out of writing for me. It’s so sad. This year I hope to rekindle my love affair with words and share more stories with you guys. Hopefully you still want to read them!
Keep a journal
This one’s for me. My friends tell me all the time that journaling is good for the soul. It’s something I haven’t done since I was a teenager, and I’m excited to open up a new notebook and start writing. It will be awesome to have a place to keep my random thoughts, secrets, and dreams. Actually, I think I will go do that now!
Have you guys figured out what you want to accomplish in 2016?