I have not done any Christmas shopping! As in wala. Okay, no, I just realized I bought presents for my family (mom, dad, siblings) at the Cuenca bazaar last weekend, but that’s it. No gift yet for MrC, no gift yet for the kiddo. December has been crazy! But it’s a happy kind of crazy that I’m grateful for, so that’s okay.
I now know how I can fix my schedule better next year, but alas that is another 12 months away. Guess I will just have to make the most out of these last 6 days before Christmas, and see what I can buy and make, super duper last minute.
If you guys are as delayed as I am this holiday season, you should check out these gift guides that we’ve put up on The Asian Parent Philippines. They’re helpful, I promise! Click on each photo and they will take you to the articles.

So, what are you giving as gifts this Christmas? Happy holidays, you guys! Don’t let traffic bring you down!