My brother is the king of Halloween costume DIY. I’m serious. Over the years he has put in an insane amount of time and effort into his costumes. Just to prove my point, I’ve stolen some photos of his past costumes from his Facebook page so that I can show you. His usual partner in crime is his girlfriend, and together they’ve been (clockwise from upper left) Gold Dust and The Macho Man Randy Savage, Mary (not in photo) and her Little Lamb, Billy the Puppet from Saw and a victim in a trap, and Classic TV Batman and Robin. Yes, he made these all. From scratch. That lamb costume is made out of a hoodie and cotton balls!

Guys, remember that stealing photos online is bad, and can get you into serious trouble. Don’t be like me. And sorry, brother, for taking your photos without asking for permission first.
Anyway… I have had my fair share of DIY costumes, though I must admit that the ones I’ve made are not as elaborate as my brother’s. For the most part, they weren’t even entirely made by me hehehe. Still, they were all created with love, and that’s what counts! On the left, I’m with my former team from my working mom days, and we were all crayons for Halloween. Next to it is Little MrC’s costume from last year, Ben10. The shirt was painted by MrC!

This year, the boys and I are going for Steven Universe as our theme. The kiddo will be Steven, I’ll be Amethyst and MrC will be Lion. We are DIY-ing, and I really hope we can pull it off!
How about you? Are you thinking about going the DIY way with your kids’ costumes this Halloween? We’ve come up with a great list of easy DIY costume ideas on The Asian Parent Philippines. Let me know if you end up trying any of these costumes. I’d love to see your photos, k?

This halloween my daughter DIY’d her own costume.. She’s so excited about it though.
Wow, I wanna see! What did she make? 🙂
Hhahaha, that dress is scary.
The crayons costume looks cool especially for a group. It’s easy to do too.
Wow!those costumes are looking great though I don’t like to watch such costume often 🙂
Wow! Your brother’s works are amazing. I wish I have this talent to do DIY costumes. Going to cosplay and wearing different Anime costumes is my frustration since I was a kid. Reading this article gives me a new inspiration to try making my own but I do not know how to sew! LOL. 🙂