One of the best parts about being pregnant all those years ago was having a friend who was pregnant too. I had someone as hormonal as I was going through all the crazy changes that pregnancy brings right along with me. All of a sudden, my belly didn’t seem so large, the sudden appearance of hair in strange places seemed almost normal, and I managed to keep faith that all the sudden dark areas would someday become white again. Meet Ira, my preggy buddy, and mom to birthday girl Iya, whose 7th we celebrated last February at the Sta Elena Fun Farm.

Then came Tristan and Iya. These two kids have spent Christmases, birthdays and countless other special occasions together since they were born. Wherever us mommies went, the kids (and husbandries) were usually there too.

We celebrated Iya’s 7th last month, and it made me realize that my little boy would be turning 7 soon too. My, my, how time flies. And it’s amazing how much these two little ones have grown!

Read about this party we went to at McDonald’s Alabang.
Sta Elena Fun Farm was a great venue choice. There were a lot of fun things to do for both adults and kids, and it was nice to spend the day outdoors for a change. Ira is very hands-on as a mom, and she took care of planning the party and put a lot of effort into the DIY decor and other party elements.

Sta Elena Fun Farm is open to the public too. This actually wasn’t our fist time there. The little guy had been there once before during a school field trip. Here are some of the fun things that kids and kids at heart can do at Fun Farm. (Note, lots and lots of pictures below!)

We also recently attended a party at McDonald’s in Venice Piazza.

Here’s a post about a birthday party held in Alabang Country Club.
You can tell from the photos that the little guy really had a lot of fun. I must say that I enjoyed myself too, even though I’m not really much of an outdoorsy person.

Things to bring if you are going to visit Fun Farm:
- Water. Lots of it. It can get really hot there.
- A hat, sunglasses and an umbrella, just in case.
- Snacks and packed food. There isn’t any place to get food within Sta Elena unless you are a member of the golf club.
- Sunblock, because sun protection is always a necessity.
- Mosquito repellent. Yes, you will be in the great outdoors. Yes, there will be bugs.
- A camera to capture all the fun family moments!
Make sure you wear cool, comfortable clothing. Don’t wear anything you wouldn’t want to get dirt on. I also suggest you wear closed shoes so you can keep your toes clean. But if you’d rather keep your shoes clean then go for flip-flops that can easily be washed afterwards. They have nice restroom facilities within the farm grounds, so you need not worry about where you will wash up afterwards. And believe me when I tell you that you will want to wash up before heading home. It is a farm after all, and it does smell like animals.
So there you go, our afternoon in the great outdoors. I’ll leave you with these three silly photos of us with a “Carabao Crossing” sign. We found it so amusing when we saw it going into the farm that we had to stop and take photos with it on our way out.

After Iya’s party, I’m even more excited about Tristan’s 7th. Mr C and I went to our venue of choice yesterday to reserve the date and pick up a copy of the party packages. Our friends over at The Regali Kitchen have also been designing a super cool cake for our Tron-themed party happening in a month. Can’t wait!
Fun Farm at Sta Elena
Sta Elena Golf and Country Estate
Barrio Malitlit, Sta. Rosa, Laguna
0920-4688785 or 0918-8886588 (Look for Analhynn)
Open from 9am to 5pm, prior booking required
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