My parents-in-law treated Mr C and I to an overnight stay at Sofitel as a wedding gift. Lucky for us, this was about a week before the big storm that sank Spiral, and we were able to enjoy a nice peaceful mini honeymoon, all smiley and happy as newlyweds should be. Sofitel has always been one of my favorite hotels in Manila with it’s lovely view, super soft pillows, fluffy blankets and yummy food.
We came prepared with some leftover wine from the reception and a basket of goodies given to us by my lovely friends at Smart.

I personally love hotels, and a staycation was exactly what we needed after our busy year of planning. We basically ate a lot, slept a lot, swam a little, ate some more and had quite a few drinks during our stay. It was such a fun getaway, although short and pretty bitin. It’s been almost three months since the wedding, and I really hope we get to do something like this again soon.
Judging from the photos, it looks like Mr C enjoyed hotel living as much as I did!

It was a bit rainy that weekend, but we managed to catch some sun in the afternoon right before checking out.