I’m starting this new blog series called Sunday Seven where I basically make a list of seven things each week. I thought it might be something fun to do, and that’s why I’m doing it! And since it is officially the start of my birthday week, I thought I’d kick the series off by sharing seven random things about me. This way, you’ll get to know me better.
1. I have an irrational fear of frogs
I say ‘irrational’ because I can’t even look at a photo of frogs, or watch them on TV. When I hear a croak, or a kokak, as we say in Filipino, I will scream, panic, and eventually cry. Every time. Even if it’s from far away. I get startled when I see frogs jump all of a sudden, when the beams of my car headlights catch them, and even when I see squished froggy roadkill while I’m walking on the street. There is a reason behind this fear, which involves a giant frog toy, my brother and a childhood argument. Sometimes I am told to face my fear of frogs head on, but I would honestly much rather headbutt the person who tells me this. There have been instances where I’ve asked a friend to carry me across a field, when I’ve dragged my brother (who is afraid of heights) down an uneven, very high stone staircase, refused to enter a room, hyperventilated, thrown a hissy-fit, and shrieked like there’s no tomorrow when the threat of having to encounter a froggy friend presented itself. They arethe stuff of my nightmares, seriously. One of the worst dreams I have ever had was that of a giant frog chasing me, trying to get into the house through the windows. Just thinking about it now makes me want to cry.
2. I used to do a lot of sports
I grew up playing tennis. I tried soccer one summer. I was also once a pompom girl. I joined two varsity racket sports teams in high school. I learned gymnastics. All this before I discovered Agno food in DLSU and started gaining all this weight.
3. I only learned to cook when Little MrC started eating solids
I was a kitchen disaster growing up. I once burned a pot of spaghetti sauce so bad (while reheating, mind you), that some sauce got stuck to the bottom of the pan and could not be removed. We had to throw the ruined pot away. I also once almost set the kitchen on fire when my cooking oil overflowed because I poured an entire bag of squid balls into the pan without realizing it would overflow. Fireball!

4. I’ve been blogging since college
I checked out the URLs of my old emo blogs just now, and lo and behold, they are still there. Here is the first post from my first blog, which I satrted in 2004. And here is the first post from another Blogspot blog I had in 2005. I think I’m gonna spend an afternoon reading my old entries. It’s gonna be a fun trip down memory lane for sure.
5. I have atopic dermatitis
If you see me up close, you will notice that I have dry red patches of skin on my arms and chest, and sometimes even on my face. I’ve had bad atopic dermatitis since I was 14, and I can’t use products with a lot of alcohol in them, including most commercial perfumes. Sad. That’s why Sesu and Ilog Maria are my favorite places to shop for soap, shampoo and other personal care stuff.
6. I’ve never had a massage in my life
As in never. The closest I’ve had to a massage are those sorta massages you get after a manicure, pedicure and hot oil. I’m very ticklish, and so I’m scared that the session will stress me out more than relax me.
7. Before I became a mom, I organized rock concerts
My first job was as an assistant for the production company that mounted Fete de la Musique in 2004. That same year, I became the assistant to the production manager of Red Horse Muziklaban. In 2005, I worked on a Chippy Gimikada nationwide concert series and another season of Muziklaban. My friends back then were members of Mayonnaise, Razorback, Kapatid, Imago, Sugarfree, Sandwich, and an assortment of other bands. Those were really fun times.

So there you go, I hope you enjoyed that little peek into my personality. Could you do me a favor and share a random fact about yourself in the comments? I’d love to learn more about you!