Hello, hello, friends from cyberspace! Welcome to At Home with MrsC. C is for Cuyugan, which is the surname I took after I got married.

At meetings, people call me Patricia. Family and childhood friends know me as Chumsy (long story there.) Most know me as Patty.
On this space, I’m simply MrsC, though sometimes people get confused by my URL and call me MrsP. Just so it’s clear, I use MrsPCuyugan as my username online because my husband’s is PCuyugan. I just thought it would be a cute idea, and that’s that.
Apart from being a Mrs, I’m also a full-time mom – The type who cries at school performances, and prepares packed snacks and meals every morning, but is, unfortunately, a really boring playmate. Hey, no one’s perfect.

Out in the real world, I’m a script writer for live events, and (just recently, actually) TV. Being able to call myself a writer is something that I dreamed of as a child, and something that I take total pride in now, as I live it.
Almost all of my favorite things are pink, I have an irrational fear of frogs, I’m super nice and always smiling, and I love being me. I love being me so much that I decided to time-capsule my best memories and moments, and so this blog was born.

On this space, you can expect to see random bits and pieces of my life, our family, and our home. There’s a lot of food and a bit of travel sprinkled in, too, along with hobbies and crafts. It’s basically what you could expect to experience when you spend the day with me, but online.
I’m so happy that you’re here, and I hope that you enjoy your stay.

P.S. It would be amazing if we could take our relationship a step further and connect on social media, too. You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram as MrsPCuyugan. Then, maybe someday, we can meet up for real!