A friend once asked me when and where I do my grocery shopping. My short answer was, “On many different days, and in many different places.”
I know, this does not sound convenient at all. But I’m rather particular when it comes to groceries, so I prefer to get certain things from certain places. The challenge, usually, is working the different shopping trips into my (already complicated) weekly schedule. But I’d rather do that than work with produce and products that I don’t really like. Makes sense?

One of the newer places I’ve started going to is Earth Origins Marketplace + Cafe in Westgate, Alabang. I’ve just started switching some of our fridge and pantry items to organic and free-range, and Earth Origins has proven to be an ideal one stop shop for the things that I need.
Why the change? Basically, it’s for numerous health reasons. My joints are upset that I’ve been holding on to all this baby weight for the last twelve years, for starters. And then there’s the issue of our fussy skin and the never-ending eczema problem we have to deal with at home. I’m also slightly freaked out over how often we get news of family or friends getting sick or passing away.
Improving the way we eat is one of the best ways I can think of to address all of these. Food can heal, you know? I really believe that. And, even if I grew up in a doctor’s house, I don’t believe in the whole, “May gamot para dyan” mentality. Neither does my family, actually. We understand that prevention is much better than having to find a cure. And so, here I am, trying to put that into practice.

Okay, back to Earth Origins. I first read about this store online, back when the only branch they had was in Greenhills. And then, at last November’s Mothers Who Brunch event, I found out that they opened a store in Alabang.
Some people have asked me about this wondrous place, since (as you’ll see on my Instagram) I’m there A LOT. I come to Earth Origins to eat and to shop. I’ll be writing about the cafe soon, but for this post, I’d like to focus on the marketplace. I’m a firm believer that wellness begins at home, and whenever I have the chance to shop at Earth Origins, it makes it easier for me to transform our home into a healthier one.
Like I said earlier, you can get almost everything you need at Earth Origins. They have fruits. They have veggies. They have rice, and other grains like Adlai. You can buy meat, poultry, and eggs there, too, along with wild-caught fish and seafood. For breakfast, they have organic sausages and bacon. There’s a wide selection of snacks and drinks in the store, and even sauces, condiments, and spices. Guys, they even have all-natural home cleaners and personal care products. And organic wine. Yaaaasss WINE!

When you shop at Earth Origins, you can be sure that you are taking home products that are:
- Organic and all-natural
- High quality
- Free of chemical fertilizers and pesticides
- Hormone-free and antibiotic-free
- Non-GMO
- Preservative-free
- And responsibly grown and raised
Everything here is pure, simple, and ideal for those who wish to live and be better. Promoting a healthy lifestyle through healthy eating is really what this place is all about. It’s truly what I need and want in my life right now.
I know that I’m not exactly the poster child for healthy living, but I am trying. Small, sustainable steps towards positive change, that’s what I’m after. And I think I’ve been doing okay so far.
I thought I’d end this post by sharing some of my favorite things from Earth Origins. Obviously I haven’t been able to try everything from their shelves yet, so I’m sure that I still have a lot of fantastic products to discover beyond these. Like the organic wine. Lol.

Okay, here are my Earth Origins must-buys:
Organic Lettuce and Salad Veggies
Let’s be honest, organic produce is a little more expensive than the typical veggies you can get at the market or grocery store. But, for me, some things just have to be bought organic. Lettuce is one of them because you eat it raw, and the leaves are exposed to any fertilizers and pesticides used when they’re grown.
Earth Origins has an awesome selection of lettuce, and other salad veggies like kale, red cabbage, beets, carrots, and cherry tomatoes. Trust me when I tell you that they are pretty affordable for organic produce. Bonus: They have an awesome selection of bottled homemade salad dressings too. The Summer Herb Vinaigrette is my favorite.
Cold-Pressed Fresh Juices
Come in the morning if you want to try their bottled cold-pressed juices. These disappear pretty quickly. There are three kinds – Red, Orange and Green. I don’t actually remember what’s in each one, but I know the Red juice has beets and apple, the Orange has citrus fruits, and the Green contains Kale. Sorry, kulang info! But I can tell you that they each offer unique health benefits, so there.
Amala Natural Laundry Powder and Fruit & Vegetable Wash

These two, I really cannot live without. I’ve written about my eczema issues before, and how commercial laundry detergent is really bad for my skin. I love that I’ve found an option that is gentle, and smells amazing, too. The scent reminds me of clean baby clothes, actually.
As for the fruit and vegetable wash, I use this on the non-organic produce that I buy. I’d truly like to believe that this makes a difference, and that a lot of the harmful chemicals and dirt that might be in my fruits and veggies get washed away when I use this product.
Organic Sausages and Bacon

I love breakfast, and I love having sausages for breakfast. Bacon, I can actually live without, but not sausages. My boys, they love bacon, and they love that I’ve started buying it again. I’m so happy that Earth Origins has a nice selection of organic breakfast meats. It makes me feel a lot less guilty about our indulgent weekend breakfasts at home.
Free-Range Chicken

I don’t buy chicken from the market because I feel uncomfortable about the way they are stored and displayed there. Usually, I go for trusted chicken brands in the supermarket. I recently got some free-range chicken thighs from the Earth Origins freezer, though, and I have to say I’m happy with it. I really think free-range chicken tastes better, which is why I like to use it for dishes that don’t require a lot of seasoning, like simple roasts.

I’m already looking forward to my next Earth Origins shopping trip because, as I said, there are still a lot of things left for me to discover there. I’ve never been so enthusiastic about overhauling our food at home, which is a very good sign. I hope I can keep this going!

Do you guys shop organic, too? Where do you get your stuff from, and what do you buy?
Good you’re changing food habits to healthier choices. One of my major changes was giving up soda and anything in cans-all overprocessed high in sodium and preservatives. My spam indulgence is once or twice a year😉. Keep it up!