Last November, Moms in Manila had the chance to take the New Pampers Baby Dry 99.9% Dryness Challenge at Robinson’s Place Manila. Those in attendance were given the chance to bet on either Pampers or their diaper of choice, and see which one was truly able to keep babies dry.

First, blue liquid was poured down a tube, straight to the diapers, so you could see how fast each one would absorb the liquid. While other brands struggled to take in the fluid, Pampers was able to absorb it all in no time.
As a mom of a kid with very sensitive skin, I can’t stress enough how important this is. The faster your diaper can absorb baby pee, the less time it spends in contact with their skin, meaning less chances of rashes. So that’s a win for Pampers in my book.

After all the liquid was absorbed, a paper towel was placed over the full diapers, followed by a 5lb weight. It was a win for Pampers again when, after the weight was removed, you could see that the paper towel stayed dry.
Meanwhile, on top of the other diaper lay a stained blue, soaking wet paper towel. What a nightmare it would be if the wet towel was your baby’s precious little behind!

Now obviously my Little MrC is no longer in nappies, so it’s been a while since I’ve had to fret over my choice of diaper. I did ask some friends, though, which brand they preferred, and a lot really said that they go for Pampers. My mommy blogger friend, Frances, is one, and she said she really super loves Pampers Baby Dry.
Kaity, another fellow mommy blogger, says, “Pampers is a trusted brand that’s why I use it for my 2 boys. I love that it doesn’t irritate their skin and keeps them dry for a long time. It doesn’t sag and it doesn’t have himolmol.”
One of my oldest friends, Jan-B, also bets on Pampers for her son, Noah. She says, “I use Pampers for my son because it fits him well enough to give me assurance that there wont be leaks. Pampers also has no weird smell, unlike some brands. I also like Pampers because my child can use it for a longer time compared to other brands.”

I’d most likely pick Pampers, too, if I had a baby. I mean, how could you go wrong with a brand that’s trusted by so many moms, right?
Betting on Pampers gave moms a chance to win great prizes at the Manila event, and today mommies in Cebu are getting to experience this as well. Next week will be CDO’s turn. What a great way to kick off the holidays! 🙂
*All photos used in this post belong to Fuentes Manila.
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