I like junk food. I like fried chicken. I like friend chicken that tastes like junk food. Actually, I believe that fried chicken should taste like junk food. Not saying that it’s junk food, just that fried chicken has this magical way of warming the heart while warming the tummy. Am I making sense, or am I the only one who feels this way about chicken?
Fried chicken makes me happy.
Yes, it does. And last April, I got to try a new friend chicken brand, Marky’s Chicken. Honestly, I don’t know how new Marky’s is, but it is most definitely new to me. It is also a new addition to the food stalls within Savemore Supermarket in Festival Mall. Oh my goodness, it is so good. The pieces are really big, juicy and perfectly cooked. The classic fried chicken is crispy, and the soy garlic variant is bursting with flavor.
I have actually put Marky’s Chicken to the test three times, just to make sure that it’s not just me and my friend-chicken loving taste buds that find their offerings awesome. When they had just opened, Mitz, my mommy blogger friend, and the mompreneur behind Marky’s, offered to bring some over to the house for us to try. That first lunch, I was home with Little MrC, my mom (Lola Terry aka LT, from now on) and my brother (who will, from now on be known at TN or Tito Ninong). Yes, codenames.

De Castro-Cuyugan seal of approval.
All four of us who got to try Marky’s that first time agreed that it was really yummy. The three adults loved the soy garlic variant. I personally liked that you could actually bite into little bits of garlic stuck to the chicken skin and the sweet-salty sauce. Meanwhile, my brother who does not eat chicken breast because he finds it dry, actually ate white meat portions that day and said he enjoyed them because they were moist and juicy. Little MrC loved the crispy, classic friend chicken, as I’d expected. He is a kid after all.
Because our trial was such a hit, we decided to order a second batch on the weekend of Little MrC’s birthday. There was also a Pacquiao match that day, and MrC’s sister and her hubby were coming over for lunch. We ordered a dozen each of the two variants. Not only was it super super affordable, but the taste and quality was exactly the same as the first time. Some of the guests at home that day aren’t really big eaters, but I think everyone had at least two pieces of chicken.

Perfect for Parties
We ordered Marky’s Chicken again on Mother’s Day weekend. This time we requested for 30 pieces. Now, mind you, we had them delivered to the house by 5:30 PM. Mom transferred the pieces to an aluminum tray, in preparation for a supposed 6PM dinner. We ended up eating at a little past 7PM. Guess what? The chicken was still juicy and tender. So yes, Marky’s is perfect for parties, too!

And that, my friends, is why Marky’s Chicken deserves this blog post. Bow. For more info, check out Marky’s Chicken on Facebook or call +632 949 9869. For franchise inquiries, email franchise@markyschicken.com.
It really looks tasty, i love fried chicken , especially in the country i am in now, they call it Broasted
Still haven’t had a chance to go to Festival Mall lately. But as soon as we do, we’re gonna visit Marky’s for sure!
You should! Promise, the soy garlic is amazeballs.
It’s my first time to hear about Marky’s chicken and it looks delicious!
Oh I love fried chicken!
Marky’s Cicken looks really affordable and tasty. It’s perfect for family gatherings and party.
It’s good for my lunch, I want to eat fried chicken. Ang fried chicken ng bayan 🙂
it looks good!! I hope they open a branch near my area.
those loooooks soooo yummy. i’m drooling right now! I’m a fan of coated friend chickens! Yay for Markys!
Since you recommended it, I will make sure that mother duck and my big little brother get to try this. Mark is such a sucker for fried chicken.
Go for it. We just ordered some for dinner again last night 🙂
Sure, i will test and tell, thanks for sharing.