I missed Christmas dinner with my girls because the little boy and I were down with the flu that week. We made up for it by setting up a post-holiday dinner with the girls, our kids and significant others at Cafe Breton in Westgate Center. I picked this restaurant because the last time we ate there together was in high school or college, and it’s always been one of my favorite places to go for crepes and for their ever so yummy Mozzarella Burger.
Doesn’t that look so good???

Juicy all beef burger patty with a mozzarella surprise, served with a side salad
I was in charge of getting a table for us, so the little guy and I picked up Mr C from his office and the three of us went straight to Westgate. I didn’t think that the Christmas decor would still be up, but they were, so we got to take some photos. I never actually got to visit Westgate during the holidays so that Friday night was the first time I got to see the Christmas Village. It was really pretty.

As you can see from my photos, Instagram is my latest addiction. I even joined not just one, but two photo-a-day challenges. Lol. Thing is, I’ve had a bad record with photoblogging over the last few years because I’ve never been able to complete a month. I think Instagram will help me improve on my record. I’ll post a collage of all 62 of my January photo-a-day photos (31 days x 2 challenges) at the end of the month, and hopefully there won’t be any blanks on there. I’ve been off to a good start so far. It helps too that my friends are on Instagram, and share photos as much as I do. Here are some of their pictures from our dinner.

These girls are my forever friends, my high school barkada (clique)! We’re missing two ladies in the photo above, Andrea who is in Austria with her cute little boy, and Jan-B, who couldn’t make it that night. L-R, that’s the little boy, Me, Mina, Paola, Mari (my super best friend forever), Irene and Ira, the only other mommy in the group. Ira’s hubby, Trek, and daughter, Iya, are in the photos up there. And of course you all already know Mr. C.
I love that we all make an effort to see each other every year, and how our group just keeps getting bigger with the addition of new husbands, new children and new boyfriends. I love these girls to bits!
So, I’ve shown you who my friends are, now show me yours. Who are your forever friends? I’d love to see photos of you guys together. Do share! 🙂
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