Fact: Enveloped Ideas is a song by Filipino band, The Dawn.
It has nothing to do with this blog post.
I will be talking about ideas, though, and how I’m often at a loss for them when it’s time to start writing.
It seems like every time I’m not in front of the computer, I know exactly what I want to write and blog about. Then I sit down, and everything just disappears into a mushy pool of random thoughts. It’s my sad but true reality.
Well, recently I’ve gotten the chance to work with a (really) young director who gave me the brilliant idea of idea-banking. No, it isn’t a new concept, but there’s just something more appealing about having something enthusiastically explained to you versus reading about it online.

At our last shoot, he showed me a small notebook that he started carrying around in his back pocket. It contains his random thoughts and ideas – anything and everything that might be interesting to write about, photograph, shoot, or think about. His goal is to write down 10 ideas a day. It’s basically bottled up brainfarts, or, enveloped ideas! Lol. I just had to…
I always have ideas bouncing around in my head, but I’ve never really thought to list them. Why not? I dunno, but now I think I should have started this a long time ago. I feel like it’s a great habit to develop, especially for someone like me who needs to have an active idea bank for work (and for the sake of this blog, too.)
I’m starting today. My colorful pens and little yellow notebook are ready. I hope my brain is ready, too. It’ll be fun creating my own writing prompts, and going over my list of random thoughts on writing days. I hope this means that more interesting and exciting blogging times are coming up, too.
Do you guys keep a list of blog topics and ideas that you want to write about or do you just wing it like I’ve always done? Do you agree that keeping a list of ideas can help us defeat the dreaded blank page?