MrsC makes art. You read that right, people! Who woulda thought it was possible???
Let me explain. I am a self-proclaimed artistically challenged individual. Though, truth be told, my friends Dette and Racquel tell me otherwise, and that’s part of why I love them. Lol. These two pressure encourage me to doodle, explore and create. They know how much I love my pens, and they often remind me to do something with them. As in just go ahead make something.

Well, a couple of weeks ago I took a leap of faith in myself and my (still nonexistent, in my opinion) art skills. I decided to paint. Over the holidays my cousins and I decided to get together for an afternoon of art while the Pope was in Manila. What would we paint? The Pope, of course! And so we did.
Let it be known that this was the first time I’ve ever painted on canvas. Also, the last time I used acrylic was in grade school when we were asked to paint a clay vase as part of our Art Class in Zobel. That was more than 15 years ago, possibly even 20 years. I’ve never taken formal art lessons, and I think it shows. But to tell you the truth, I’m pretty proud of myself for my finished product. I think it’s pretty cute!
And here it is.

Diba it’s cute naman? I just really wanted to share this with you guys because being able to actually paint something was such a milestone first for me. Oh, and I wasn’t the only first time painter there. Little MrC joined in on the fun as well, but he chose to paint something other than the Pope.

Now, I thought I’d also share what I feel were the two best paintings that day. They win because they are the only two who really made an effort to paint the Pope, and also because they are actually really good. One is my brother’s (as in my ultimate source of art insecurity, next to my artistic mother), and the other belongs to his girlfriend, Mel.

We all had so much fun hanging out that day, and my cousins and I hope to get together again soon to make more fun things together. I’m actually quite excited to try painting something new, just so I can prove to myself that this wasn’t just a fluke, and I can actually create art.
How would you rate your artistic abilities? On a scale of preschooler to expert, where would you be? Tell me in the comments! 🙂