A lot has changed in the last three weeks.
First, I finally said goodbye to life in events. I thought about my decision long and hard, and it wasn’t an easy one to make. I’ve been in this industry from the very beginning, working as an intern on my first event in 2004. It’s been really fun and exciting, but also an immensely stress-filled 14 years. I knew for certain, after my last one, that it was time to move on from the world of events.
We also got a cat! A week before I officially retired, I saw a post on Bianca Elizalde’s IG stories about some kittens she had rescued and was putting up for adoption. That same night, I asked the husbandry if we could take one. To my surprise, he said yes right away. After exchanging a few messages, Bianca and I agreed to meet up one sunny Saturday in Makati. On that day, we welcomed Nougat the House Cat to our family. What a joy it has been having her at home these past few weeks!
Then, summer ended, and school began. Right on cue, rainy season rolled in. Along with it came a typhoon and the first class suspension of the school year, only four days after school started. The no-school day fell in between a Sunday and a holiday, too, which meant an instant 4-day weekend for us. Ang galing, diba?

Side kwento: The Man Child (formerly known as Little MrC) is now in Junior High. He’s also an active member of his school rondalla, complete with practice schedules, workshops and performances. It’s gonna be a busy year for him, which means it will be a busy year for me. I’m not complaining, after all I wanted this kind of life. It’s really nice to see my son interacting with kids outside his batch, and enjoying being part of a new group in school. My siblings and I had a lot of fun participating in extracurricular activities when we were students, and I’m glad that this is something my son gets to do, too.
Tomorrow, if the weather permits (and it looks like it will), the boys go back to school and work, and things go back to normal over here. This is a new normal for me, staying at home, spending time with Nougat, and prioritizing housework above everything else. I feel just as tired as before, but 100% less stressed, which is great. I feel happier and a lot more fulfilled, too, even though I’m mostly just washing things throughout the day (like dishes and clothes, and cat butt). I’m totally loving this life! (Well, so far. LOL.)
What have you been up to lately?
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