Fact: Each time the weather changes, my skin is affected.
There are days when my sensitive skin really annoys me. Now that the weather is confused, for example, I have dry patches, oily patches and rashes all at the same time. It’s bad enough having to deal with the summer heat then the humid, rainy weather we get the rest of the year. When it shifts from hot to humid to rainy all in one day, my skin complains, big time.

One issue I have always had to deal with is dry skin. I do drink a lot, but I don’t moisturize as often as I should. I keep getting skin care reminders from older more seasoned women, so I know that my bad skin habits can and will eventually result in wrinkles. Lots of them.
Then came a friend who asked me if I wanted to try a nifty new gadget. I’m not a tech blogger, obviously, because I’m not techy at all, but when he said it could help with my dry skin problem, I said I’d go for it.
If you know me, you’ll know that I don’t have the makings of a beauty blogger either, but the nice thing about this device is that I don’t need to know much about technology or beauty to use it, and to make it work for me. Curious now?

It’s called MiLi Pure, a super tiny thumb drive looking thing that can tell you if your skin is dry, oily, or a-okay. All you need to do is install the app into your smartphone, clean the device (of course!) and press it onto your skin for a few minutes. It will then tell you the current moisture level of your skin.

A few minutes of playing with the MiLi Pure showed me that my entire face, and my hands are dry, dry, dry. I’m not surprised because we’ve just come out of a scorching hot summer. But I suppose I should take this as a stern reminder to moisturize.

As far as I know this gadget isn’t available for sale in the Philippines yet, but it will be soon. It’s really handy, especially for the skin-obsessed. So, abangan!
The question now is, which is the best, most effective sensitive skin moisturizer out there? Any recommendations?
I could use this device. My skin tend to dry up all the time.
First time I’ve heard of that product! Super curious ako!
Looks like a great product that is worth a try. I have a friend who might love this.
I want that! Haha. I may not be one of those “seasoned” woman but I want to prevent signs of aging through moisturizing this early. I hope they’ll have it here soon!
This interesting. I bet this is expensive. I’m not so bothered with my face but even though I’m oily, I still sometimes experience dryness. I don’t often use a moisturizer. Simple lang sa akin, Myra facial cream lang. I’m not comfortable with regular application, it’s as if I’m encouraging breakouts.
This is a nice gadget as it shows you the quality of your skin. I though at first it was a power bank but this could help you determine what treatments or products you should use on your skin.
I’m curious what my girl would think of this gadget, she’s very sensitive about sitting in the sun for too long. I’ll recommend this post to her
this gadget is cool, i haven’t seen like this before, wanna try it!
This seemed to be a nice gadget…I am sure a lot, most especially women would be delighted to have this one π
This gadget looks really interesting. I’m sure once it becomes available in our country, a lot would purchase it so they’d know their skin condition without the need to see a dermatologist. π
The moisturizer we are using is Neutrogena’s Moisturizer. We don’t have a sensitive skin but as we always say, some that works for others might not work for us. It just so happened that Neutrogena worked for our skin type. π
This one is a great and cool device π I’d love to have one and try it. Hope it’s available in my place.
My skin’s sensitive too when the weather is so moody :/ I get rashes and always visit my derma *sigh
My doctor recommends mild soaps and lotion. I use Cetaphil and I’m lovin’ the results.
Oh emm. Sobrang bipolar weather talaga. About 3 weeks ago, I had rashes on both my arms and right hand and for about 3 days now, my skin’s been peeling. Eww, I know. I blame it on the weather. I’ve not had dry skin but I guess there’s always a first.
I use the classic Olay moisturizer at night. In the morning, before going to work I use Mary Kay’s Timewise Age-Fighting Moisturizer ( I may need the extra powers since I’m past my 20s ) and for the hands, VCO works. You can try the one that Green Stuff sells. They have a branch in Powerplant and in Town Center.