For the first time in a long time, I made an effort to go to each and every Christmas party I was invited to. Not that there were so many, but it’s just remarkable how I managed to drag my butt out of the house past my usual bedtime more than once. It’s also a big deal that I stayed longer than I usually do at all of the parties I went to. Haha, yes, you now have an idea of how truly lazy I can be.
Today, the day after Christmas, I’m feeling the effects of my late nights. I have a slight headache, I’m lazy, my body hurts a little, and I don’t want to do anything but sit in bed and eat junk food. I figured that I should at least blog, though, because my writing queue really does get longer by the day. So, I’m gonna tell you how my Christmas went, and then you guys tell me about yours in the comments, okay?
My first party of the season was our Secret Book Club holiday get together. I love this group. I always tell my family that I couldn’t be happier about having found people who are the same kind of book nerd that I am. I enjoyed our kwentuhan so much that I ended up staying with the last batch of girls til almost 2 AM! The highlight of that evening for me was the exchange gift, where we picked books of authors that meant something to us to give away.

As luck would have it, Mish pulled my name out of the bag, and I picked Joei! Hanggang book club, #ABCLove parin. Hehe. I’m so excited that I already have a book to open 2015 with. From what Mish shared, it sounds like the perfect new year book, too, so double yay!

A few nights after that, we went to my annual high school girlfriends’ Christmas dinner. I love that we make a real effort to block off a December date for our group each year. What started out as a simple dinner get together has become an important yearly tradition for us, and is now filled with extra fun thanks to our children. I love this group of girls that I grew up with. Ours is the kind of friendship that just picks up where we left off, no matter how long it’s been since we last saw each other.

Believe it or not, we braved the crazy holiday traffic the next day to spend time with a few of my favorite mommy blogger friends at Eastwood. My friend Sab, and her team over at The Asian Food Channel and The Food Network invited some members of Mommy Bloggers Philippines to come to the Alaska Merry Cremas Festival, and I was excited to be there. It isn’t often that I get to go to blogger events, and each time I do I have the best time chatting with my mommy friends.

I don’t have that many photos, but I was glad to have spent the day with Moomy Musings‘ Glaiza, and Homeschooler Kib‘s mommy Donna. I finally got to meet my online chika buddy, Roxy aka Mr. Jacob’s Mom, too. Sulit na sulit ang pag luwas! It was also funny that I ran into my other #ABCLove, Jane, at the Alaska event. We rarely get to see each other, and when we finally did, it was so far away from Alabang. Lol.

The next Christmas dinner we went to was our batch PA party on the last day of school. The little guy and I went together, and he was a million times more excited about it than I was because the venue just happened to be the ultimate play house. One of my co-parents has a really decked out back yard, complete with play area for kids that features a huge trampoline. We were among the last to leave, and even then it was a struggle getting the kids to say goodbye to each other and to their play house.

Our last get-together with friends was with MrC’s high school barkada. I don’t usually come with him to their parties because they start well after dinner and end really late. I was smart this year though. I decided to take a nap after dinner, right when the kiddo went to bed, and I asked the husbandry to wake me up when it was time to go. It worked, I was up and about until close to 4 AM! We woke up at nearly noon the day after, though, but it was worth it. I had a nice time hanging out with our old batch mates, and it was really nice going out with MrC.

Christmas Eve was spent at home, as it always has been over the years. This time, though, there were a lot more of us, with my siblings’ partners joining in on the fun, too. For dinner, we ordered the most amazing turkey from Gourmets Palate by the family of Bamba Bistro’s super chef, Tina Legarda. SO, SO, SO GOOD. If you guys are ever in need of a turkey, order from them. You won’t regret it! Call 0917-5294208 or 0917-5286693 for inquiries.

Christmas day is always busy for us, with lunch at one Lola’s house and dinner in the other’s. All in all it has been a full and fun holiday season for our family. I’m so happy I had the chance to catch up with old and new friends, to spend time with my boys, and to enjoy lazy days and lots of food with my relatives.

Okay, your turn to make me kwento. Tell me about your Christmas. I really hope that yours was merry, too. 🙂
Happy Holidays Mrc. C! Mine was a quiet, restful Christmas eve. Quiet but merry! => Enjoy the reason of the season.
Quiet but merry is always good haha! Happy holidays to you, too, Kay dear!