In yesterday’s Wordless Wednesday post, I shared my One Word for 2013 – FAITH. I think that the lessons I learned in the past year really add up to this one word, and so this is something I will hang on to this year. In 2012, my faith in many things was put to the test in a really big way. And as with everything in life, all of that happened for a reason. It helped prepare me for 2013. Judging by the first week, this is going to be a rather challenging twelve months. I am happy that I have these lessons in faith that I learned, which I can look back on whenever things get hard.
For January’s Thankful Thursday, I’d like to focus on Faith in Marriage. For me now, faith in your spouse means trusting that they love you completely, and only have your best interests at heart, no matter how they show it.
My husbandry and I celebrated our first year of marriage last September, and the road to our first anniversary was unorthodox to say the least. There were many lessons learned about each other, about marriage, about life. Trust was broken and rebuilt countless times, patience was tested and loyalty questioned. But in the end, we were happy to share with the world that we made it through year one together, still holding hands, and with a lot more love and understanding than we had on our wedding day. We learned to accept the fact that we could and would hurt each other with our words and actions. We became more aware of the other person, and more considerate of the mistakes.
The understanding we built in 2012 was, apparently, really important for this year. And it has already been tested, believe it or not, within the first week. But this challenge is something we will overcome. This I know because I have faith that my husband will do what is best for us.
Faith in marriage is one of the most important things you can have. It assures you that you will remain strong no matter what. It helps you see the other side of things, and be open minded enough to accept that your side may not always be the right one. It means wanting to get past the bad stuff to be able to enjoy the good stuff. It means never giving up, and believing in the other person. Faith means trusting that everything will be OK in the end, even though you are unsure about how you will make it to the end.
It is faith that will get us through January’s challenge, no matter how hard it hits us, and for that, I am thankful
What does faith mean to you in your marriage/relationship? Do share. I bet your story is an inspiring one, and I really could use a dose of inspiration today!
Much love and happiness,
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