At the end of January, I’ll mark my 8th month as a WAHM. So far, luck has been on my side. I’ve been able to hit the personal targets I’ve set for myself in terms of earnings and the mommy things things I’ve accomplished. As far as WAHM life is concerned, I am happy to have closed 2012 on a positive note, and am more than ready to welcome 2013 with a bang.

And what a bang it will be. It looks as if this first quarter of 2013 will really be putting my WAHM abilities to the test. We’ve hit an income hurdle, and I really need to push myself to the limit as far as my potential earnings are concerned. I’m so glad I signed up for Dainty Mom Martine’s Freelance Writing module at the upcoming WAHMderful Life Workshop. I’m looking forward to learning about all my options as a freelance writer – where to find jobs, where to get training, and the different kinds of writing that I can do. So far, script writing has been my bread and butter, but I really need to have a backup plan for those days in between shows where I’m stuck doing nothing all day. Oh wait, I don’t technically do nothing. I am a mom after all, and that means preparing meals, driving to and from school, playtime, study time, bath time and everything in between.
So, yeah, there are days when I don’t do any work because I have no work to do. I know that a lot of people do well with oDesk, but honestly, oDesk intimidates me. I’ve actually made some newbie mistakes there in terms of choosing employers, and I’ve experienced not being paid for my work. I do have the option of, which hasn’t let me down since I started writing there as a sideline, but it would be good to have more choices to play around with.
Wish me luck guys. I’d love to know where you find writing jobs as well. Any tips would really be a huge help for me, so do share! 🙂
Much love and happiness,
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