Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh. It’s December already, and I haven’t even started shopping for Christmas presents yet. Good luck to me. Luckily, I only have two godchildren and Mr C has none. So I think we can still manage with only 25 days to go!
Meanwhile, Mr C has been asking me what I want for Christmas, and for the first time in years, I don’t want a new phone. I’m still perfectly happy with the BlackBerry he gave me last Christmas, which is great because before this one, I changed my phone once a year for maybe three or four years. Spoiled, right?
Honestly, I haven’t thought about what I want for Christmas. Last year I had a pretty long list with bags, makeup, gadgets, clothes, shoes and all sorts of other things. Last year at Christmas time, I was really stressed out at work and feeling detached from my family and friends. It was one of my busiest holidays ever, and to tell you the truth, I’m happy I don’t have to go through it again. Maybe that’s why I don’t have a long list of things I want this time, because I’ve had a fulfilling year. Maybe instead of wanting objects, I’ve learned to value the more important things. Oh wow, that sounded very mature for me.
I think the top ten things on my Christmas wishlist this year are peace of mind, health, happiness, comfort, security, love, strength, inspiration and faith, for me and for my two boys as well. And ok, maybe there’s one big thing I want too. This…
Click here to view listing.
What’s on your holiday wishlist? And how are you with your Christmas shopping? Are you giving out a lot of gifts this year? I’d love to hear from you!
Much love and happiness,
Yes, south lang. Isn’t it so pretty??? I really want that one. Keeping my fingers crossed! 🙂
2012 went by so fast and obviously, I am not yet ready for December.
Where is that house? Is it in the South? I’m excited for you guys.