A few days ago, I had the chance to hear Bianca Valerio talk about being a woman of confidence. One of the perks of my job as a script writer is being able to experience events like this, and getting to meet fabulous people like Bianca, who is a host, a model, an author, an image consultant, a makeup artist, and a spokesperson for confidence, all rolled into one glamorous package.
That particular day, I was glad to be where I was, listening to her speak. It was really a case of being at the right place at the right time for me. Everything she said made sense. Everything she said made a difference. One thing that stuck with me was when she said that happiness is a choice. Many of us choose to wallow in self-misery, or choose to see the bad things in life and overlook the good things. At the end of the day, it really is your choice if you will choose to make the most out of your life, regardless of what life has in store for you. Now that’s confidence and inner strength.
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One of Bianca’s quotable quotes. (Screen grabbed from Bianca Valerio’s Twitter account.) |
The thing about Bianca is, she is also a mom. She shared a little bit about what kind of mom she wants to be for her daughter, the things that she does differently from her parents, and the lessons in parenting that she learned from them. What really impressed me was that she was talking about parenting to some moms in the audience who were much older than her, and have had more experience as parents, and there they were nodding away, agreeing with her and learning from her. That’s when I realized two very valuable lessons – You can’t be a mom without having confidence in yourself, and us moms should stick together. We can learn something from one another, regardless of age, nationality, or years of experience.
That for me is such a phenomenal thing about moms worldwide. We form this huge network of women who just want to be the best moms we can, and try our very best each and every day. And our biggest cheerleaders in all of this are our fellow moms. Unfortunately, not all moms think this way, so I consider myself lucky to have met so many moms who do.
There’s my mom, who has always been really very hands-on with us, and never failed to be there for me whenever I needed help or advice as a mom. There’s my mom-in-law, who brings so much wisdom with her, stuff I would never have learned had I not met her. I have a wonderful set of moms I can talk to over at World Moms Blog. I have this great network of Work-At-Home-Moms in Manila who . I’ve just become friends with fabulous moms at my son’s school too. And there’s Bianca, who has become such an inspiration.
When I started this blog, one of the things I wanted to do was feature the supermoms in my life. I became a mom relatively young, and I was so very clueless at the start. This will be just a small way of giving back to those moms who have motivated me and continue to encourage me to be the best mom I can be. I think I’ll make that a project for this blog in 2013. I’m sure that they have great stories to share with other moms, and would be great teachers for new moms. It will be my way of paying it forward. Does this sound like a good idea to you?
Who are the inspiring moms and confident women in your life? What are the things they do that inspire you? I’d love to hear their stories!
Much love and happiness,
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