I first heard that Tokyo Bubble Tea was opening a branch at Westgate Center earlier this year when I still worked at Filinvest. They finally opened at the beginning of October, and we finally had the chance to try out their food last Halloween. I was able to try their milk tea before at the Megamall branch when Mr C still worked there, and I remember I liked it a lot.

I love how the restaurant is so bright. The whole place is all green and pink pastels with cute drawings on the walls. Even the chairs are pink! Pink is my favorite color, and I love being surrounded by pink stuff, so being in this restaurant really put me in a great mood.
When we settled into a table, our server told us right away that they had a Halloween promo for kids in costume – free Chocolate or Royal Milk Tea! Again, this meant plus happy points for me. I love milk tea, and since they use caffeinated tea, I wasn’t about to let the little guy finish a glass by himself at dinner time. Luckily, he didn’t like the Chocolate Milk Tea I got for him, which meant more for me!

I placed our orders then went for a look around the small dining area. The restaurant has a second floor with more seating, but I was too lazy to go up and check it out.

As usual, I over-ordered. I wasn’t sure what to get so I went for the usual suspects. When I saw the noodle bowls served to the other table, I wished I had ordered the same for us too. The Tempura Soba looked really good. Better remember to order that next time.

We were so full after all of that food that we decided to just order dessert to go. It was a choice between the two green tea flavored cakes for me. I’ve been on a green tea trip lately.

I really enjoyed the Philadelphia roll. It didn’t have too much cream cheese in it, which is usually the thing I dislike about ordering this dish. Also, I have to say that I thought their wasabi art was really cute. One was in the shape of a coffin, and the other was a jack-o lantern.
It was bright, pretty, and mostly pink, so I liked it. It was also quite clean inside, apart from the bug issue (see DOWNS for details). I didn’t get to check out the restrooms though.
There weren’t that many people yet when we arrived, so the servers were prompt in taking our orders and serving our food.
The Tuna Sashimi. It didn’t look or taste like Tuna Sashimi. It was a bit like Smoked Tanigue. I don’t know if they made a mistake, if their sashimi is really of this quality, or if we just got stuck with a substandard batch. Lucky for them, I wasn’t in the mood to complain, and Mr C ate all of it anyway, so there. But I don’t think I’m ordering that again.
There were little bugs flying all over the place. Small green ones that look like they belong at a campsite. They definitely don’t belong in a restaurant. They had a bug zapper on that zapped away almost every ten minutes. Plus I think i squished at least five bugs at our table. That’s how many insects there were. It’s annoying. And kinda gross.
When it was time for us to get the bill, the restaurant was almost full and the service started to get pretty slow. We also ordered cake to go, and they packed and bagged the cakes for the lady who ordered after us first. It also took a while before they came to get our payment. In fact, they were so inattentive towards the end that I think we could’ve walked out without paying. Oh well.
Since I like milk tea and Japanese food so much, I will definitely be back. I’m interested to try the other dishes, particularly the Tempura Soba, and the other tea flavors. I just hope that they are able to get rid of all the bugs by the time I dine there again.
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