I don’t know why, but all of a sudden I’m wondering if I can push myself enough to train for a marathon. And yes, I am aware that completing a marathon means running a whole 42 kilometers. The thought has never occurred to me before, and I honestly don’t know why I’m thinking about it now. I’ve never been a runner. Even during my more active days filled with tennis, soccer and dancing, I tried my best to keep running to a minimum. I’d even go as far as to cheat during running drills simply because I didn’t like it much. I’d get discouraged when my legs started hurting, and so I never really built the endurance for it. So you can just imagine how insane I must seem to myself now, thinking about the possibility of me running a full 42k.
In the interest of getting into shape, I took advantage of my Holy Thursday free time to go on a short walk (emphasis on walk) around the block this afternoon. It took me 26 minutes to walk 2 kilometers. I may be bad at math, but I know that this pace will not cut it if I want to get into this seriously. The question is, do i really, seriously, want to get into running? Maybe this is just the heat messing with my brain. Or maybe it’s just another item to add to my all-new list of life changing possibilities that seems to be constantly growing as my 30th birthday gets closer. Whatever it is, it involves exercise, and that’s always a good thing, as far as I’m concerned.
Stay tuned for progress then!
Funny lang, I got so addicted to running and my pace was so good! Kaya lang I didn’t join any competition. Haha! Weird. In the beginning, hard to start talaga. Basta just do it regularly and before you know it, your pace will improve na! T got me a Nike + bracelet (http://www.joeiandme.com/2009/12/my-new-runningmate_30.html before so it was easier to keep track of my time 🙂