So, this morning I decided to step on the scale for the first time this year. Part of me couldn’t help but think, why would I do that when I already pretty much knew what was coming? But my better judgment told me to just get on with it. So I did, and it officially marked the end of my ultra extended holiday season.
The verdict? I’m back where I started around this time last year. The good news is, there wasn’t really a significant decline in my weight in 2011 anyway compared to the previous year, so the damage is not that immense. At the same time, I know in my heart that all joy I felt at the parties and moments of togetherness with family and friends can never be replaced. This was an extra special holiday season for me, and I will blog about that separately real soon. The key now is to get back on track, and get back on it right about now.
I won’t be hard on myself over this. The fact that I am still on a high from all the fun makes it all worth it. A happy me is way better than a hungry me, as far as I’m concerned. But yeah, time to put in the extra work. Unless I wanna look like a strawberry next February.
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